Learner, Thinker, and Doer: Unlocking Your Engineering Superpower

Enrique Lopez
6 min readSep 25, 2024


Learner, Thinker and Doer. By Enrique Lopez


As engineers, we all wear different hats during our work. Sometimes we’re in learning mode, absorbing knowledge like a sponge. Other times, we’re deep in thought, pondering over the perfect solution to a complex problem. Then, there are moments where we’re in execution mode, getting things done efficiently. These are the three core operating modes we frequently shift between: Learner, Thinker, and Doer.

While each mode has its strengths, most of us lean naturally toward one or two of these modes more than the others. The key to maximizing your effectiveness as an engineer lies in understanding these modes and how to balance them, not only within yourself but also by finding teammates who complement your strengths and weaknesses.

Let’s dive into each of these modes, their benefits, downsides, and how you can leverage them — whether you’re working solo or as part of a team.

1. The Three Modes: Who Are You?


The Learner is someone who thrives on acquiring new knowledge. Whether it’s keeping up with the latest tech trends, reading up on cutting-edge algorithms, or simply diving into a new language, the Learner finds joy in growth. If you consider yourself to be in this mode frequently, you’re likely the go-to person when the team needs someone to explore new tools, research better frameworks, or stay on top of the latest innovations.

For example, as a young engineer, I found myself obsessed with mastering every new framework that came my way — Node.js, Selenium, Playwright, AstroJS, you name it. I loved digging into documentation, experimenting with beta features, and building test projects just to get a feel for how they worked. I realized quickly, though, that while I was always excited about the learning process, I wasn’t great at finishing things. I needed to shift gears at times to balance the time spent in learning mode with actually doing.

  • Benefit: Lifelong learning can give you a competitive edge, especially in an industry as fast-moving as software. You’ll always be ahead of the curve.
  • Downside: Constant learning without practical application can lead to a form of intellectual procrastination. Too much time spent in this mode might mean fewer finished projects.


The Thinker loves strategy. This mode kicks in when it’s time to solve complex problems or develop long-term solutions. If you’re the type to spend hours drafting out flowcharts, architecting new systems, or working out edge cases, you probably spend a lot of time in this mode.

One of my closest colleagues, Pablo Aversa, was the exact opposite of me when it came to thinking. I’d analyze a problem, consider multiple approaches, and try to come up with the most elegant solution. Pablo? He’d sketch out a quick plan and start executing immediately. I remember when we worked on optimizing a real-time data pipeline for a streaming service. I had all these brilliant ideas on how to refactor it for better scalability, but I also spent so much time refining the plan that Pablo had already built a prototype while I was still ironing out the details.

  • Benefit: Thinkers can spot issues others miss, and they can devise solutions that are scalable, efficient, and elegant. This is especially useful in preventing technical debt.
  • Downside: Overthinking can lead to decision paralysis. You can spend so much time planning or worrying about the “perfect” solution that you fail to deliver on time.


Then, there’s the Doer — the person who loves getting things done. In many teams, this person is the engine that drives productivity. They don’t waste time over-analyzing or procrastinating; they execute. Whether it’s completing user stories, pushing code to production, or fixing bugs, Doers thrive on crossing tasks off the list.

I remember how Pablo’s drive would propel our team forward. He’d take an idea and run with it. While I was still crafting the ideal solution, Pablo was already shipping features. At first, I was a bit envious of how quickly he could move. But over time, I came to appreciate the balance between us — my long-term thinking paired with his ability to execute quickly made us an unstoppable duo.

  • Benefit: Doers ensure that work gets completed. They’re the ones driving projects forward and ensuring deadlines are met.
  • Downside: Without enough planning or learning, Doers can fall into the trap of cutting corners or producing solutions that require more fixes down the line. They can also burn out without taking enough time to recharge or think things through.

2. Benefits and Downsides of Each Mode

Each mode offers its unique advantages, but they also come with potential pitfalls if overused. Here’s a quick breakdown:

Benefits and downsides of each mode

Let’s consider a real-world example. Imagine you’re working on a startup. You and your team have a million-dollar idea for a new SaaS product. You, the Learner, spend weeks diving into frameworks and architectures, trying to figure out the perfect stack. Your teammate, the Thinker, spends time sketching out the ideal product roadmap and planning how it will scale once the product takes off. But neither of you have made much tangible progress yet.

Then, the Doer on your team steps in. They don’t care if the framework is bleeding-edge or if the architecture is perfect. They just want to get a prototype up and running. By doing this, the Doer ensures that there’s actually something to show for all the planning and learning.

The truth is, without each of these modes working in concert, you could be stuck in a loop of indecision, constant revision, or unpolished results.

3. Finding Teammates Who Complement You

Here’s where things get interesting: while it’s possible to shift between these modes, most of us naturally excel in one. The key to building successful teams is to recognize your strength and find teammates who complement your weaknesses.

For example, I’ve come to accept that I’m a Thinker. I enjoy planning things out and coming up with innovative ideas, but I’ve struggled with taking quick, decisive action. When I partnered with Pablo, it became apparent that his Doer mindset filled the gaps where I fell short. He could quickly build the things I was envisioning, and together, we produced incredible results.

The magic happens when a Learner, a Thinker, and a Doer come together. The Learner brings fresh knowledge and innovation, the Thinker ensures that the team is heading in the right direction, and the Doer gets things moving, ensuring that deadlines are met and that tangible progress is made.

As an engineering lead, I’ve seen teams struggle because they were unbalanced — too many Thinkers without Doers led to slow execution, and too many Doers without Thinkers led to technical debt. On the flip side, when teams are well-rounded, they’re like a well-oiled machine, capable of producing not only high-quality work but doing so efficiently and thoughtfully.

Final Thoughts: Embrace Your Role, Respect Others

In the world of engineering, none of these modes is inherently better than the others. Each brings something valuable to the table, and it’s the interplay between them that drives innovation, progress, and success.

So, who are you? A Learner, Thinker, or Doer?

Whichever role you naturally gravitate toward, own it. Embrace it. But don’t forget to seek out teammates who balance you out. When you surround yourself with the right people, you not only grow but also unlock your team’s full potential.

The engineering world moves fast. By understanding where your strengths lie and how to complement them, you can ensure that you’re always moving forward — no matter which mode you’re in.

